Just wanted to take the time to, once again, thank you for all your help over the past few months and in light of the exam I took today. It was nothing quite like I have ever translated in my entire career as a linguist and a hellish feat to manage with seven giant dictionaries and no access to online terminology... That said, I did do my best and so, judging by my performance in the mock papers and the feedback from Devorah, I think I have done okay. If I do pass, which I am of course hoping for, it will be another string to my bow, and if I don't... Well, at least I can say I tried and I learnt an awful lot in the process. I told my tutor, Devorah, this morning as well that I would never have stood a chance if it were not for both of you helping me along the way. I am honestly truly grateful for the experience, which has been an important element in my development both personally and professionally. Nochmal herzlichen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Ohne Sie und Devorah hätte ich es nie geschafft, mich ausreichend auf die Herausforderung vorzubereiten.
Jack S, 2021