Why our distance learning courses?


Distance learning (DL) is the recognised alternative to campus-based education. It is of particular benefit to those who need to combine study with a career or family responsibilities. DL allows you to take control of your learning, in the comfort and safety of your own home. You can practise wherever you are and whenever you have the time. Being in control of your learning means more time to reflect and to gain deeper insights.

More importantly, because you're likely to be working by yourself as a translator, having to rely on your own decision-making abilities and on critical objectivity, DL also represents an ideal opportunity to develop the coping strategies you'll need in your translating career.

Our tutors will support your hard work with sympathetic but rigorous tutoring in translating skills. And because we know that every student is different and that having the right tutor and the most appropriate course is the key to success, we take great care to provide the tailored advice you need.

DL is by no means an easy option. While autonomous learning requires self-discipline, determination, time-management and an independent approach to study, it nonetheless offers a rewarding way of acquiring new skills and measurable achievement. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss any aspect of Distance Learning and our Translator Training course.

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